Bangla Blockade Anti-Quota Movement Around the Country

The students of various universities have declared a Bangla Blockade Anti-Quota Movement Around the Country. The movement for quota reform is spreading throughout the country. Gradually, the anti-quota movement for withdrawing all quotas except disability quote for government jobs is getting stronger day by day. The students and job seekers declared to continue Bangla Blockade program until their demand is met. They demand a quota-free country through which a merit-based, corruption-free, and impartial administration (bureaucracy) will be established in the country.

Previously, students and job seekers announced that they would start the “Bangla Blockade” program on Sunday at 3 pm. As per their announced schedule, they started a rally from the central library of Dhaka University, demanding quota reform and quota cancellation. They take positions in the streets of the capital, chanting different types of slogans. Then they blocked in different parts of the capital. Over time, the movement has expended across the nation including the capital city Dhaka.

Students from different universities around the country started the blockade program at the same time. The students are continuing their protest by blocking various roads and highways in different parts of the country. As a result of their blockade program, a heavy traffic jam was created. In fact, a large portion of Dhaka became immovable. At the shahabug, the students declared to continue their strike program, avoiding the class and examination of all universities in the country under the banner of anti-discrimination student movement, See the report.

Demand of the Student

The students demand to establish a commission, reinstating the circular issued in 2018. This commission should remove all types of illogical and discriminatory quotas in all grades of government jobs within a very short time. The government may allow rational and minimum quotas for the backward groups of people in the country. But if the employers do not get the candidate from this rational quota, the employer should fill the vacancy on a merit basis. The government should take effective measures to establish a merit-based and corruption-free bureaucracy (administration) in the country.

Bangla Blockade

Blockade in Dhaka

On July 8, 2024, the students of Dhaka University marched in a rally on the streets, blocking the roads, including Shahbug Moor, Bangla Motor, and Kawran Bazar. So, a heavy traffic jam has been created around these areas of Dhaka. As a result, many people have faced suffering and are bound to return home on foot.

Blockade in Chattogram

The students of the University of Chittagong started a rally at sholoshahar rail station in the city. Then they took a position at the 2 no gate of the city, chanting various slogans and carrying various placards against the quota system. At that time, their gathering and blockade created a big traffic jam in that place.

Blockade in Jahangir, Nagor

The students of Jahangir Nagor University take a position on the Dhaka-Aricha Highway, near the main gate of the university, on July 7, 2024, at 11 am. They marched in a rally with various slogans, and they ended the rally in front of the main gate after moving different streets of Jahangir Nagor.

Blockade in Comilla

On July 7, 2024, the students of Comilla University took a position with a protest rally on the Dhaka-Chattogram highways, near Kotbari. They stayed on the highways for around 40 minutes, which created a 15-kilometer traffic jam on both sides. As a result, the general public faced serious suffering.

Blockade in Barishal

The students of Barishal University gathered on the university campus on July 7, 2024. Then they made a human chain and marched in a rally protesting the quota system. They blocked the DHaka-Kuakata highways at around 12 am. As a result, people face suffering because of intolerable traffic jams.

Traffic Jams and Human Suffering

The student blockade program is spreading throughout the country in a very short time. Students from different parts of the country continue their movement, marching in rallies with different slogans and blocking various roads and highways around the country. As a result of the Bangla Blockade program, a big traffic jam is creating in various parts of the country, which creates suffering for the general public. Bangla Blockade

Break-up of Quota System

Before 2018, there was 56% quota, that means the government recruited 56% of people on the basis of various quotas and the remaining 44% on merit. The then government issued a circular cancelling the quota in the face of student movement in 2018. To learn about the breakdown of 56% quota, visit the site.

Quota Reformation

On July 23, 2024, the government issued a circular for quota reformation as per the verdict of the Appeal Division. From now on, governments, semi-governments, and autonomous organizations will recruit people to fill their job vacancies based on merit (93%). These organizations will recruit 7% of people for their vacancies on the basis of quotas. But if these organizations do not find any candidates under this quota, then they will hire people for the remaining posts on the basis of merit. This quota reformation will be effective for all grades of government jobs. So, this quota reformation will create a great opportunity for meritorious students to get government jobs. Watch the news. The breakdown of the Quota Reformation:

(a) 5% for the son/daughter of freedom fighters
(b) 1% quota for the minority group
(e) 1% quota for the disabled and third gender

Suggestions for the Students

The major demand of the students was to reform the quota system for entry into government jobs. As per the demand of the students, the authority has already reformed the quota system. So, the students should stop their movement and continue their study.

Withdrawal of Student Movement

Six coordinators of the anti-quota movement declared the withdrawal of all programs relating to quota reform movements from the DB Office on July 28 at night. Md. Nahid Islam declared this by reading a written statement at the DB Office and sending it in a video message. He said many unexpected events have occurred surrounding our anti-quota movement. They condemned these unexpected events and demanded a speedy trial for them. Further, they said our main demand was to reform the quota system. The authority has already met this demand. So, they requested that the government open educational institutes to ensure a proper environment for education.

Bangla Blockade

On July 26, 2024, the DB Office brought Md. Nahid Islam, Asif Mahmud, and Abu Baker Mujumdar under their custody from a hospital in the capital. After one day, the DB Office brought the coordinators of the anti-quota movement, Sarjis Alam and Hasnat Abdullah, under their custody.

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