Amnesty for illegal expatriate in the UAE

General amnesty for illegal expatriates in the UAE has been declared. The UAE government has given good news for the illegal expatriates’. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has declared a general amnesty. Under this amnesty, the illegal immigrants in the UAE can be legal or return to their own country without any penalty or fine. The illegal immigrants of Bangladesh staying in the UAE will also get the opportunity of this amnesty.

This amnesty will continue from September 1, 2024, to October 31, 2024. In this period, the illegal immigrants can take the opportunity to be legal. During this period, any illegal Bangladeshi expatriates can return to Bangladesh without any problem. The Consul General of the Bangladesh Consulate, B. M. Jamal Hossain, with a delegation, has discussed this issue with the Deputy Director General of Presidency and Foreign Affairs of the UAE. So all Bangladeshi illegal immigrants should use this golden opportunity properly.  

Air Ticket at discounted Price for the Illegal Bangladeshi Immigrants 

The United Arab Emirates has announced another good news for the people of Bangladesh. The airline authority of the UAE has said that they offer air tickets at a discounted price to the Bangladeshi illegal immigrants in the UAE who want to return to Bangladesh. The Deputy Director General of Presidency and Foreign Affairs of the UAE has confirmed this issue. He said they have communicated with the airlines in the UAE. The UAE airlines will help the illegal Bangladeshi expatriates who want to return to Bangladesh but can not return due to a financial crisis. These airlines are Emirates, Etihad, and Air Arabia.

Who Can Take the Opportunity of General Amnesty?

Identity, Citizenship, Customs, and Port Security (ICP) of the UAE has said that all expatriates will get the benefits of this amnesty, including the following:

  1. The residency visas holder whose visa period has already expired
  2. The tourist visa holder whose validity period has expired
  3. The children born of immigrants who have not made any valid documents can also collect the legal documents

ICP said it is a great opportunity for the immigrants who are living in the UAE illegally and want to be legal and who want to return to their own country. The immigrants who return home can also go to the UAE with a valid visa at any time. The authority of the UAE will not charge any fee or penalty for an overstay or staying more than the visa period from the illegal immigrants who will be legal during the period of amnesty. The authority will also not charge any exit fee from the illegal immigrants who return to their own country. Therefore, this is a good chance to be a legal immigrant in the UAE.

The immigrants of the UAE will give the following opportunity: The Immigration department of the UAE 

  • Will waive the penalty to the interested illegal immigrants for returning to their own country or
  • Will provide six-month job seekers visa for being regularized

Requirement of Passport Validity Period

To avail the opportunity of amnesty, the immigrants must have a  passport with a minimum six-month validity period. So, if the immigrants whose passport validity period is less than six months, they need to renew their passport from the Bangladesh Consulate Office or Bangladesh Embassy.

Preparation of Related Departments for Providing the Best Service

The related departments and agencies, including immigration department of UAE,  have taken the preparation to provide the best service to the illegal immigrants who want to be legal in the UAE. In this situation, Bangladeshi typing centers, various documentation processing centers have accelerated their activities to provide the best service. The illegal immigrants are crowding in these centers. The Bangladesh Consulate will hire extra manpower to provide various documentation-related service to the Bangladeshi. The labor and passport department of the mission has already taken the preparation. This department will issue the outpass or renew the passport of Bangladeshi immigrants quickly. Some experts believe if the illegal immigrants in the UAE will be regularized, then the labor market may be open for the Bangladeshi people.

What must illegal immigrants do to avail of the amnesty?

The Bangladesh Consulate Office held a press conference in Dubai about this issue. They advised how to get amnesty without any penalty or jail. The Consul General said the visa holders of Dubai have to go to Al Abir Immigration, and visa holders of other regions of the Emirates need to go to the immigration center of the concerned province. As per their instruction, the immigrants need to go to the UAE government approved Typing Tehsil or Amer Center.

To get an exit permit for returning to Bangladesh, they need an original passport and travel permit from the mission or counselor. In this case, they do not need to pay any penalty but have to pay document processing fee. The expatriates who are accused of absconding can update the report depending on the nature of the case and issue the exit permit. The Consul General added that the authority will not issue new visas temporarily during the amnesty.

General Amnesty

The Activities for Regularization has been Started

The regularization activities in the UAE have already started. The UAE government has published detailed information so that the illegal immigrants can easily process their document for being regularized.

In 2018, around 2 lakh illegal Bangladeshis were regularized under amnesty. At that time, the Dubai Consulate issued more than one lakh passports for illegal Bangladeshi immigrants.

Open Help Desk

At DUbai Al Aber Immigration, the Dubai Bangladesh Consulate has opened a help desk for supporting the illegal immigrant in the UAE.

Increase of Remittance as a Result of Amnesty in the UAE

The Government of the United Arab Emirate (UAE) has given the opportunity to regularize the illegal immigrants after 6 years and declared amnesty for two months. As a result, various Bangladeshi-owned business organizations are expanding to help the people of Bangladesh. Some Bangladeshi expatriates are opening new travel agencies to help the people so that people can easily take this great opportunity. Watch the News.

Therefore, it is expected that many illegal Bangladeshis will be regularized, and they will be engaged in various jobs or businesses in the UAE. So, they will participate in the reform of Bangladesh by sending remittances in the legal-channel. This is very essential in the present situation of Bangladesh. Because their remittance will help to stabilize the foreign currency reserve of our country. At the same time, the Bangladesh government should try to solve various problems of our expatriates. So that they can work or do business properly in foreign countries.

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