Health Care Problems in Bangladesh

Health Care Problems in Bangladesh is increasing day by day. As a result, people of our country are losing their confidence on the treatment of Bangladesh. Therefore, they go to various countries, especially India, for treatment purposes, even for a simple health-related issue. Though our government is taking various initiatives to improve our medical service, our people are losing confidence in our health care service day by day. Some of the problems with our health care system are discussed below:

Health Care Problems in Bangladesh

Targets for the Test

Some people in our country believe that some of the Bangladeshi hospitals emphasize business rather than treatment. It is also believed that some diagnostic centers give targets to the doctors, especially those who have a chamber in those centers, to make certain earnings from the tests. Therefore, some doctors of our country are under pressure to advise their patients on various tests to fulfill their target. As a result, though our doctors want to give their best medical service to their patient, in some case they cannot do this because of unfair environment.

Advise Tests for Commission

It is believed that some Diagnostic Center offer commission to some of our doctors who advise the test. So, some doctors advise various tests to the patients just for their commission.

Earlier, doctors used to provide medical care based on observation. But now the practice has been changed. But now, if we go to the doctor for our various health-related issues, the doctor advises various tests. To learn more, you can see the Video.

Influence of Medical Agents

Some medical agents of pharmaceutical companies try to influence the doctors to advise the medicine of their companies. Sometimes, some medical agents take a picture of the doctor’s prescription when patients come out of the doctor’s chamber or go to the pharmacy to buy the medicine. Some medical agents try to influence some of our doctors in various way so that the doctors advise the medicine of their companies.

Prescription Audit

The health department is going to audit prescriptions to justify whether the doctors advise unnecessary medicine to their patients. Additional Director General of Health Department informed this in the seminar organized by the Institute of Health Economics of Dhaka University. To learn more, you can see the News of Jamuna TV.

Loss of Confidence On Our Medical Service

Though our government are taking initiatives to improve our health sector, our people are not losing confidence on our health care. That’s why they go to our neighboring countries, especially India, for better treatment. Every year, the patients of our country spend huge amounts of foreign currency, which sometimes creates pressure on our foreign currency reserve.  As per Bangladesh Bank data, Bangladeshi people spent 5.50 million dollars for treatment in foreign countries in 2019, 2020, and 2021. To learn more, you can see the news on Jamuna TV. 

Comments of Our Patients About our Medical Service

Some patients say they are not satisfied with our medical service. They say the behavior of the doctors in India is good. To learn more, you can see the video

Indian Medical Visa Within a short time

Earlier, we had to face various complexities and also wait a long time for the Indian medical visa. But now India is giving their medical visas within 24 hours. Since India is providing their medical visa within a short time, we can take medical services from India easily. To learn more, you can visit the site.

Health Care Problems in Bangladesh

The government of our country should take immediate measures to solve the above issues. The doctor’s service is a great job. But some doctors in our country cannot perform their jobs properly because of an unfair environment. So, we have to create proper environment for them. Our government should also introduce special benefits for our respectable doctors so that they can emphasize the treatment. Our health department needs to solve various problems for our doctors.

As well, our government needs to take various initiatives to stop the commission from the tests. Our health department should also take various measures to stop the unethical exercise of some medical agents.

If the government of our country solves these issues, the confidence of the people of our country in the treatment will grow, which will reduce the pressure on our foreign service.

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